Judges: Rachel Govola/The Villages Daily Sun, Sophia Lucente/The Villages Daily Sun, Joseph Cooke/The Villages Daily Sun, George Horsford/The Villages Daily Sun
Judges: Rachel Govola/The Villages Daily Sun, Sophia Lucente/The Villages Daily Sun, Joseph Cooke/The Villages Daily Sun, George Horsford/The Villages Daily Sun
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Judges Comments
First Place: The photographer captured a good moment in “Happy.” There's nice lighting in what seems like a tricky lighting situation. We wish the photographer identified all three subjects in the caption. Second Place: We like the touching moment captured in “Remembrance.” The light is nice on the subject's face, but we felt the photo could have been brightened a little more overall. Third Place: “Rest” is an interesting moment to capture. It's a cool perspective to look straight down, and we like how the viewer's eye is drawn straight to the subject as the light seems to only hit her. Alternate: The silhouettes made from a graduation in “Waiting To Walk” is a unique way to shoot this event. It's nice composition and contrasting colors.