Welcome to the The Clips entry page!
For updates to the contest for 2025 view THIS PAGE!
The Clips is open to all NPPA members in good standing. Entries to the The Clips are open from the first of each month to 11:59 p.m. HDT on the 10th. It’s highly recommended that you submit ALL entries at once and that entries are fully prepared before photos are submitted. Submitting entries in multiple sets complicates the entry tracking system.
Entries cannot be altered once they have been submitted.
File naming and IPTC fields MUST adhere to the rules in the entry form or entries may be disqualified. Be sure to see read the rules here.
The category descriptions can be found here.
If you have any questions contact your regional clip chair.
The submission period for FEBRUARY entries in The Clips has CLOSED.
Please return on Tuesday, February 1, 2025 when the submission period for your March clips will open.
Stay tuned for the new Instagram account @NPPA_Clips for The Clips to get contest and entry updates.