Northwest – November 2024 – Portrait

Judges Comments

1st place is a simple and well-composed photo with nice highlight elements on the flag and background with a shallow depth of field. The photographer obviously took time to frame the subject within the different elements of the frame. The caption provides more context of the entertainer and his political leanings during the recent election. 2nd place has a nice matching of the red gel kicker light to subject and other red elements in the frame. The caption could use some more info about why she is being featured or why she likes volleyball. 3rd place is a solid journalistic environmental portrait with added details of tools and parts on the shelves and wall. Doesn’t need to rely heavily on a caption because there is a lot info in the frame, but the caption could maybe include a quote on why he chose his profession.

Judges: Matthew Hinton/freelance, Cheryl Gerber/freelance, Rusty Costanza/freelance