1st place: Way to go by getting in close. Excellent composition we like the connections between the players and multiple interesting expressions. No one is posing and there is a genuine moment of jubilation that the ladies are lost in and not paying attention to the photographer. Great feeling of being there.
2nd place: Again this image has great jubilation, is nice and clean with a diversity of movement, like a musical composition where each note forms a song.
3rd place. The agony of defeat is at left and the thrill of victory on the right. Strong image.
Matthew Hinton/freelance, Cheryl Gerber/freelance, Rusty Costanza/freelance
Judges Comments
1st place: Way to go by getting in close. Excellent composition we like the connections between the players and multiple interesting expressions. No one is posing and there is a genuine moment of jubilation that the ladies are lost in and not paying attention to the photographer. Great feeling of being there. 2nd place: Again this image has great jubilation, is nice and clean with a diversity of movement, like a musical composition where each note forms a song. 3rd place. The agony of defeat is at left and the thrill of victory on the right. Strong image.