Judges: Randy Flaum/York Storyman, John Pavoncello/York Dispatch, Shelby Elaine/CBS News 21, Debbie Flaum/York Dispatch, Bonnie Arbittier/Freelance
Judges: Randy Flaum/York Storyman, John Pavoncello/York Dispatch, Shelby Elaine/CBS News 21, Debbie Flaum/York Dispatch, Bonnie Arbittier/Freelance
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Judges Comments
First place jumper photo was by far our top pick. You can see a lot of sorrow. Having the bird in this image helps make it even stronger. Whether or not he jumps it's up to the viewer to decide what happens. Second place is a great angle of something, wild fires, that are photographed a lot. You see it over and over again but this is a unique look at it. Light is great in the third place picture. Shows a spontaneous moment.Almost has a feature feel to it even though it's a breaking news event.