First place is a striking image in composition and asks more
questions that it answers. A though provoking frame.
Second place is a complete image from edge to edge. Each of the
faces adds content with arms and angles pointing us to the payoff of
the girl in the mask, a quirky moment in itself.
Third place is a good catch of a humorous moment. Possibly raises
to 2nd place with a tighter crop.
James Gregg/Austin American-Statesman, Laura Skelding/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman
Judges Comments
First place is a striking image in composition and asks more questions that it answers. A though provoking frame. Second place is a complete image from edge to edge. Each of the faces adds content with arms and angles pointing us to the payoff of the girl in the mask, a quirky moment in itself. Third place is a good catch of a humorous moment. Possibly raises to 2nd place with a tighter crop.