Judges: Sara Diggins/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman, Mikala Compton/Austin American-Statesman, Briana Sanchez/Austin American-Statesman
Judges: Sara Diggins/Austin American-Statesman, Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman, Mikala Compton/Austin American-Statesman, Briana Sanchez/Austin American-Statesman
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Judges Comments
The first place photo incorporates all the elements of a good photojournalism photo- light, color, storytelling, layering- it all comes together. The second place photo has great composition and the body language in the image is clearly exhaustion, even from far away. The smoke aids the readability. The third place photo features a great use of black and white that reduces the distraction of the crowd and emphasizes the funeral. The wide is purposeful to highlight the person's impact on the community.