Midwest – February 2024 – Portrait

Judges Comments

First-A striking graphic image from a low angle demands attention but the incorporation of the cell phone makes it intriguing. So one has to read the caption to get the story. The story would have to be told with both image and word and the image does it's job to get the reader into the story. Done in BW is a good idea in this case to ride the graphics to the bank. Very strong. Another entry from the side of this person in BW which must have been by the same photographer but without the cell phone was a stopper but with no phone showing the deceased didn't have the mystery to draw me in. But it was strong, too. Second-This face looking directly into the camera sets a mood and gives a feeling that perfectly complements the story in the caption of loss. This is in some ways opposite approach of the first place by being direct personal rather than graphic and mysterious. The light is soft, subtle and appropriate. Third-This again benefited from the caption which told the story of spouses working together happily and the image confirms the relationship.

Judges: Ben Braun/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jim Mendenhall/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette