Midwest – February 2024 – Sports Action

Judges Comments

This category had strong and multiple entries and many could have placed so condolences to many photographers who entered great work that are not represented in this list. First-First rate action with great expression on the athlete and the moment is complemented with some terrific expressions by the people behind in the seats. The color works exceptionally well as most of the image is monotone with the lively color adding in just the right places and measure. This is an image with a lot to look at an takes a while to enjoy all the details. It is worth more than a moment for the viewer to enjoy it. Second-Here is a super clean peak action with an unusual 'punch' in the face that any of use would be "happy" to get at a game. Third-Again peak action with on player stepping on anothers foot as they go out of bounds limbs entertangled or graphically trailing in white while the key players profile is cleanly seperated from background with braided hair flying. It's just a fine action shot and appealed to us among many very strong shots.

Judges: Ben Braun/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jim Mendenhall/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette