Judges: Regina McCombs/University of MInnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Comm, Visual Journalism instructor, Sara Quinn/University of MInnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Comm, Visual Journalism instructor, Anna Belden, Liam Gill-Sutton, Sophia Jackson, Saija Maki-Waller, Pooja Singh, Emily Storm, Catie Sullivan, Ari Valentin/UMN Photojournalism
Judges Comments
First place was a runaway first choice. Compelling faces and emotion of subjects. Their faces angle out of the frame and not towards the camera. Light beams offer good leading lines, matching the sightline of the main subject. Good quality photo given the lighting available and crisp lines. We wrestled with the order of the rest of the category, but ended up liking the motion and facial expression in second place. Third place made us laugh, although we wished for a cleaner frame.