Mid-Atlantic – October 2023 – Sports Action

Judges Comments

This was a killer category -- so much great work here that it was very difficult to choose, so we leaned into the faces and the emotion. First place: Everything came together -- both faces, puck, nice frame. Second place: We chose this photo because the composition is terrific. The look on his face is great, the light on their faces emphasizes their emotions and you can see the struggle and the sweat. Third Place: Another great moment and another face framed up by someone else. Fun emotion.

Judges: Regina McCombs/University of MInnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Comm, Visual Journalism instructor, Sara Quinn/University of MInnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Comm, Visual Journalism instructor, Anna Belden, Liam Gill-Sutton, Sophia Jackson, Saija Maki-Waller, Pooja Singh, Emily Storm, Catie Sullivan, Ari Valentin/UMN Photojournalism