Mid-Atlantic – October 2023 – Sports Feature

Judges Comments

Another strong category. First place is very "where's Waldo?" Can't often get interesting images of wide crowd shots, but this one does it. Color helps carry the moment. Second place is just beautiful. Gorgeous light. Third is fun emotional moment, nice clean frame. It was a toss-up between this and the alternate. Alternate: Best emotion captured of the top photos. The focus is sharp on the face and there is a shallow depth of field, adding to a clean background. In addition, you can tell the story of this scene even without looking at the caption, shown through sweat, smiles and grass-stained jerseys.

Judges: Regina McCombs/University of MInnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Comm, Visual Journalism instructor, Sara Quinn/University of MInnesota Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Comm, Visual Journalism instructor, Anna Belden, Liam Gill-Sutton, Sophia Jackson, Saija Maki-Waller, Pooja Singh, Emily Storm, Catie Sullivan, Ari Valentin/UMN Photojournalism