The package selected for first place had several wonderfully framed portraits. Each of them had a nice level of energy and demonstrated a lot of comfort between those pictured and the photojournalist. The second place image is on the edge of a portrait, but the expression won us over - his personality comes through very clearly. The third place group portrait had all of us sigh in different ways - every photojournalist has to do these sorts of images, the overall structure of this, the high angle and the even lighting worked well here. The other entries fell into two categories - not enough context or too much context. Some needed a second layer of information to help establish place while a few were too wide with that desired sense of place becoming a distraction.
Mark E. Johnson/University of Georgia, Andrea Hudson/University of Georgia, Kyser Lough/University of Georgia
Judges Comments
The package selected for first place had several wonderfully framed portraits. Each of them had a nice level of energy and demonstrated a lot of comfort between those pictured and the photojournalist. The second place image is on the edge of a portrait, but the expression won us over - his personality comes through very clearly. The third place group portrait had all of us sigh in different ways - every photojournalist has to do these sorts of images, the overall structure of this, the high angle and the even lighting worked well here. The other entries fell into two categories - not enough context or too much context. Some needed a second layer of information to help establish place while a few were too wide with that desired sense of place becoming a distraction.