Midwest – October 2023 – Feature/Single

Judges Comments

1st - Way to go low and keep the subject interesting by capturing him focused on his work and "not" looking in the camera. The eyeline of the main subject is great, it drew me in and made me feel as being there. The additional information of where- the street name and building number in the background is really nice along with the stickers on the electric pole helps support the feeling of an urban environment. Your verticals are nice and straight- right on there! The only negative to the image is the third individual on the left who adds nothing or a bit distracting and even the reflection of someone in the glass who is not in the frame to other than that was a fantastic image. 2nd - Excellent image, you captured not only the expression of the main subject but also the person behind in the audience. The guitar has a slight amount of motion blur which adds to the photo with the main subject sharp and lighting is good on him and you managed to get the person behind lit in challenging environment. Great job! 3rd - Love the silhouette, extremely good use of light in what would have been a mediocre image other wise. The young child's concentration is another element that drew me in and kept my interest. The other strong element to the image are the geometric shapes framing the subject. I really love the simplicity of this image. This image had the potential of finishing higher had the subject's feet not been cutoff- that is the one and only negative, but it is a big one for me.

Judges: Doug Stroud/Freelance, Daniel Stone/Contract Photographer/Photojournalist