New England – June 2023 – Portrait/Illustration

Judges Comments

A lot of the entries in this category were not considered portraits. First Place: “Daryl Close” had good use of moody lighting to tell the story, and the shallow depth of field helps the viewer focus on the subject. It could have used a better crop on the left. Second Place: The light was nice on the subject in “Shark Maker.” It could have been shot at a different angle to see more of the shark and writing on the building, but it was overall a nice portrait. Third Place: N/A Alternate: The subject was well-lit in “Roundabout,” but we were very distracted with the arrows coming out of his head. It could have been shot differently where the subject is moved a little to the side where the full roundabout is visible.

Judges: Rachel Stuart/The Villages Daily Sun, Arianna Bennett/The Villages Daily Sun, India Pantin/The Villages Daily Sun, Caitlyn Jordan/The Villages Daily Sun