Judges: Scott Threlkeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, David Grunfeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, Brett Duke/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com
Judges: Scott Threlkeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, David Grunfeld/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com, Brett Duke/The Times-Picayune|NOLA.com
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Judges Comments
Feature Single is always fun to judge because it's mostly happy people doing fun things. First place was a tranquil moment in beautiful surroundings. The artist looking away allows the viewer to place themselves in the scene. Second conveyed the silly fun of students playing on a hot day. Third was a fetching graphic, a different view of a popular skate park.