Central – March 2023 – Sports Feature

Judges Comments

Bravo! Really strong work overall in this category and in sports action. First place: This frame has it all. Celebration. Dejection. Clean composition. Strong emotions from both teams. Really nice work. Second place: Wonderful. This is a rare example of everyone in the frame being engaged. And you have the best reaction front and center. Third place: We laughed every single time this photo popped up on the screen. This is a great example of seeing moments outside of game action. Definitely not something you see every day. Having the "tummy" kid's name and more information for the caption would make it even better. Something you could do during a timeout or halftime. We want to give a shoutout to the honorable mention. We loved the perspective of the scout measuring the football player's flexibility at the combine.

Judges: Allison Lee Isley/Winston-Salem Journal, Walt Unks/Winston-Salem Journal, Max Correa/Winston-Salem Journal