This was a saturated but weak category of entries. Similar issues to the sports action. First place was a thoughtful well planned and executed image toned and exposed for properly. Second place needs a crop to focus on the three players whose faces are lit. We don't need all that fence. Third place is pretty canned, but it was exposed for properly and is timed at a height of emotion. The problem with this category, as Andrew pointed out, is that none of the images were pre-conceived. All of the jub photos were reactions instead of having the forethought to compose a scene that was likely or certainly to occur.
Melissa Sue Gerrits/Freelance, Andrew Craft/The Fayetteville Observer
Judges Comments
This was a saturated but weak category of entries. Similar issues to the sports action. First place was a thoughtful well planned and executed image toned and exposed for properly. Second place needs a crop to focus on the three players whose faces are lit. We don't need all that fence. Third place is pretty canned, but it was exposed for properly and is timed at a height of emotion. The problem with this category, as Andrew pointed out, is that none of the images were pre-conceived. All of the jub photos were reactions instead of having the forethought to compose a scene that was likely or certainly to occur.