A lot of nice daily photos in this category which we would both would have been happy to turn in and publish. First elevated with its use of lens, content, and the emotion of the moment. A much tougher picture to make than second or third. Second is beautiful light and moment. The right lens choice elevated it above third. Third is another nice moment. Those three elevated the field. A very close honorable mention was the B-24 bomber.
Woody Marshall/News & Record, Jay Capers/WFMY
Judges Comments
A lot of nice daily photos in this category which we would both would have been happy to turn in and publish. First elevated with its use of lens, content, and the emotion of the moment. A much tougher picture to make than second or third. Second is beautiful light and moment. The right lens choice elevated it above third. Third is another nice moment. Those three elevated the field. A very close honorable mention was the B-24 bomber.