1st Place: Wonderfully composed and exposed shot. Every meaningful part is in focus. You capture a microcosm of an event so well! Although the fireworks at the top of the frame are the brightest part of the image, I'm also able to take in the boats and the upcoming fireworks. Great job!
2nd Place: Wonderfully captured composition and moment that tells the story of just how stinky a corpse flower can be (the woman's facial expression) and the humor of the hand sneaking in.
3rd Place: Well composed and timely shot that is well cropped so my eye goes straight to the most important parts of the frame - her face, the ballot drop box, and the reflections of the text "drop box" in the car door.
Alternate GENW_3607137790_Kid_And_Teacher: Hilarious shot. Would be better if the kid was also in focus and the other teacher wasn't in the background since he is distracting, although it is hard to control. What would it have looked like if you shot toward frame left? Split second moments like this are chaotic but learning to observe your surroundings quickly will make you an even stronger shooter. This is good work!
Kelly Dessoye/WVIA, Aimee Dilger/Freelance
Judges Comments
1st Place: Wonderfully composed and exposed shot. Every meaningful part is in focus. You capture a microcosm of an event so well! Although the fireworks at the top of the frame are the brightest part of the image, I'm also able to take in the boats and the upcoming fireworks. Great job! 2nd Place: Wonderfully captured composition and moment that tells the story of just how stinky a corpse flower can be (the woman's facial expression) and the humor of the hand sneaking in. 3rd Place: Well composed and timely shot that is well cropped so my eye goes straight to the most important parts of the frame - her face, the ballot drop box, and the reflections of the text "drop box" in the car door. Alternate GENW_3607137790_Kid_And_Teacher: Hilarious shot. Would be better if the kid was also in focus and the other teacher wasn't in the background since he is distracting, although it is hard to control. What would it have looked like if you shot toward frame left? Split second moments like this are chaotic but learning to observe your surroundings quickly will make you an even stronger shooter. This is good work!