West – July 2022 – Feature/Single

Judges Comments

1st - The moment and expression engaged us, and the perspective put us right in the game. Watch your backgrounds and resist the temptation to over tone. More context would help this caption. 2nd - We enjoyed this surreal image and applaud the photographer for being prepared and responsive to this opportunity. As much as we loved the unexplained moment, we immediately had questions - none of which were answered by the caption. This may have been a dangerous time and place to gather information, but it's part of the job to provide context. 3rd - Clean, colorful and patterned, this is eye catching and effective with good context in the caption, but lacked the spark we got from first and second.

Judges: James M. Patterson/Valley News, Geoff Hansen/Valley News, Jennifer Hauck/Valley news, Alex Driehaus/Valley News