1st Place
Tom FoxThe Dallas Morning News
2nd Place
Jim WeberSanta Fe New Mexican
3rd Place
Jim WeberSanta Fe New Mexican
Rick Wiley/Arizona Daily Star, Mamta Popat/Arizona Daily Star, Rebecca Sasnett/Arizona Daily Star, Kelly Presnell/Arizona Daily Star
Judges Comments
This ended up being a catch all category, many images here that are more likely portraits or true features. First is from a candidate/panel that shows some true humor from a candidate panel/forum, good catch by the photographer from a usually staid opportunity; second is from a gun buy back program, a tight edit from a multi-image entry, each photo telling a bit more of the story as well as interesting images in their own right; third is another humorous image from a sale of Roswell props, an ET on a green velvet couch, well spotted and composed.