West – June 2022 – General News

Judges Comments

We will lead with this. Photos of signs are not news photographs. All of these demonstration photos are “kabuki theater” for the camera. They are not news photos. All of these pro-choice rally photos would be more meaningful photos if they could show pro-choice beyond the demonstration photos. First place. Election coverage photos can be hard. It's one thing to get one or two people showing emotion but to get all five in a row perfectly timed showing emotion is great. Second place - The photographer went to a general groundbreaking ceremony and made something out of nothing. They took advantage of that morning's recent rain storm to show the groundbreaking in a different way. Third place. The colors of this photo are fabulous. Also, we like the woman's expression and how they framed the photo using the curtain. The alternate photo shows a unique view of election night ballot counting. It's a Rumpelstiltskin photo where they made gold out of hay, something out of nothing. There is a kayak photo here that had it been submitted under the features category would have been in the top 4.

Judges: Wesley Bunnell/Shore Publishing, Laurence Kesterson/Swarthmore College