Judges commend the effort of photographers lighting athlete portraits, however there was no emotion in the subjects. Not even joy for the upcoming season.
1) Wonderful light and mood, and the weight of the story lifted this to the top.
2) A wonderful moment between the two friends. Judges wish a shallower depth of field was used so the shelves in the background were not as noticeable. However, the catchlight in the priest's eyes brings the image alive.
3) A subtle moment with intense weight. The photographer was wise to make sure her eyes were in focus.
Caroline Couig/Independent Visuals Editor, Bradley E. Clift/Independent Photographer
Judges Comments
Judges commend the effort of photographers lighting athlete portraits, however there was no emotion in the subjects. Not even joy for the upcoming season. 1) Wonderful light and mood, and the weight of the story lifted this to the top. 2) A wonderful moment between the two friends. Judges wish a shallower depth of field was used so the shelves in the background were not as noticeable. However, the catchlight in the priest's eyes brings the image alive. 3) A subtle moment with intense weight. The photographer was wise to make sure her eyes were in focus.