Judges were pleased to see the participation level from this region, and remind entrants to double check categories -- several images, including the new store for Selfies, would have done well in General News.
They wanted to recognize the photo of taekwondo group breaking boards during a parade. It didn't make the top three because of the background, but judges wish an Award of Excellence was possible.
1) The best human emotion in the group and benefitted from the photographer using a long lens to clean up the background.
2) Basic training is tight with a clean background and excellent caption information. Good work on the photographer's part to put themselves in the best spot for backgrounds to go dark.
3) The level of patience needed to capture this moment is impressive. Thank you for informing the viewer what the bird was eating via the caption.
Caroline Couig/Independent Visuals Editor, Bradley E. Clift/Independent Photographer
Judges Comments
Judges were pleased to see the participation level from this region, and remind entrants to double check categories -- several images, including the new store for Selfies, would have done well in General News. They wanted to recognize the photo of taekwondo group breaking boards during a parade. It didn't make the top three because of the background, but judges wish an Award of Excellence was possible. 1) The best human emotion in the group and benefitted from the photographer using a long lens to clean up the background. 2) Basic training is tight with a clean background and excellent caption information. Good work on the photographer's part to put themselves in the best spot for backgrounds to go dark. 3) The level of patience needed to capture this moment is impressive. Thank you for informing the viewer what the bird was eating via the caption.