Judges debated the various mannequin photos and the still-life would have benefitted from using a long lens to tighten up framing.
1) The Red Apple Fire is artfully done communicating a dangerous situation.
2) Judges were hoping for some expression on the Firefighter's face as he walked past the mannequins, and they longed for more info on why the mannequins were there. The burned fence should be the left edge of the frame,
3) The only image showing human emotion but hurt by composition and almost total lack of caption info.
Caroline Couig/Independent Visuals Editor, Bradley E. Clift/Independent Photographer
Judges Comments
Judges debated the various mannequin photos and the still-life would have benefitted from using a long lens to tighten up framing. 1) The Red Apple Fire is artfully done communicating a dangerous situation. 2) Judges were hoping for some expression on the Firefighter's face as he walked past the mannequins, and they longed for more info on why the mannequins were there. The burned fence should be the left edge of the frame, 3) The only image showing human emotion but hurt by composition and almost total lack of caption info.