1st. We could tell just by looking at the images that every one had different camera settings. If you're doing a series like this, make them consistent. That being said, they do have the same feel and posing. For the most part they are very uniform. It's a simple concept executed well.
2nd. This isn't really a portrait. There is some dynamic lighting on the face, but overall this doesn't really meet the criteria we typically look for.
Drew Nash/Times-News, Pat Sutphin/Times-News
Judges Comments
1st. We could tell just by looking at the images that every one had different camera settings. If you're doing a series like this, make them consistent. That being said, they do have the same feel and posing. For the most part they are very uniform. It's a simple concept executed well. 2nd. This isn't really a portrait. There is some dynamic lighting on the face, but overall this doesn't really meet the criteria we typically look for.