Midwest – April 2022 – Portrait/Illustration

Judges Comments

Overall, a very impressive month for the region. The judges spent a lot of time scrutinizing many of these portraits. Even the Honorable Mention had significant discussion. 1st – This picture has evocative, sensuous lighting that both brought us into the frame and engaged us. We wanted to learn more about what was going on. Beautiful composition. 2nd- Also, a very well executed portrait. Both first and second place reminded us of magazine work. This portrait had both great texture and beautiful light. And the left arm crossing the bottom of the frame added an addition frame of the girl’s face. 3rd – The meteorologist. Loved the rain! It’s not often the rain helps. Great eye by the photographer to both see this and shoot it. The added light makes the rain pop.

Judges: Michael G. Seamans/Morning Sentinel, Jim Evans/Independent