NY/International – January 2022 – Sports Feature

Judges Comments

We were surprised to find a couple of very clear action photos entered here. I guess that should be a reminder to double-check your entries. Of course, both were quite blurry and would have been dismissed with the other out of focus entries in the action category (see notes there), but these were clearly not a case of confusion over what is feature and what is action. The three top finishers distinguished themselves quickly. Our top two were both sideline reaction, the fans reacting to an official’s call edged into first based on the faces and the presence of the official giving context to the reaction. The reaction of the opposing player in front of the celebrating bench made the second place finisher a strong contender. Maybe we could have gone either way, but we liked the off the court aspect of the fans just a bit more. Third place was a really nice moment of a wrestler struggling with a bloody nose. Her face really told the story of the moment, but the crop was too loose. There was no need for the back of the other person on the left, the white jacket was visually distracting. Poor cropping hurt a lot of entries in both the action and feature category.

Judges: Sean D. Elliot/ The Day Publishing Co., Robert Button/ Freelance, Wes Bunnell/ Shore Publishing