Judges sound like a broken record but don't be afraid to crop your photos! 1) The emotion from the athlete AND the crowd put this frame over the top. 2) Good job recording such an odd event of a broken bat in the netting. Putting the bat on a one-third line by cropping would help. 3) Nice use of light and patterns. Good job putting the rule-of-thirds to use.
Caroline E. Couig/Independent Visuals Editor, Bradley E. Clift/Independent Photographer
Judges Comments
Judges sound like a broken record but don't be afraid to crop your photos! 1) The emotion from the athlete AND the crowd put this frame over the top. 2) Good job recording such an odd event of a broken bat in the netting. Putting the bat on a one-third line by cropping would help. 3) Nice use of light and patterns. Good job putting the rule-of-thirds to use.