Judges: Sam Owens/Evansville Courierr & Press, Denny Simmons/Evansville Courierr & Press, MaCabe Brown/Evansville Courierr & Press
Judges: Sam Owens/Evansville Courierr & Press, Denny Simmons/Evansville Courierr & Press, MaCabe Brown/Evansville Courierr & Press
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Judges Comments
There were only a couple dozen entries for this category, which surprised us because the feature category is typically one of the largest. We loved the proposal moment caught in the first place image, which made it immediately jump to the top of the pile. The graphic, well-composed framing of the foggy second-place winner is what earned it its spot. In third place, we liked the way the masked person was framed perfectly between the artwork, making it seem like they were a piece of the installation itself.