Was a strong category with more images still in after the first cutdown than the other categories. All solid images in top choices. Surprisingly and refreshingly not all coronavirus related. 1st place: This caught our eye right away. This image was well composed with nice details like the dog and the container of wipes on the kneeler. The judges lamented that the churches in Philly are just not that creative in dealing with the lockdown. 2nd place: Great perspective and anticipation on this moment. Just the perfect amount of space to emphasis the hug. This knocked another image with a similar perspective from the top spots. 3rd place: The emotion kept this image solidly above the rest of the field and into the third spot.
Tim Tai/The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jessica Griffin/The Philadelphia Inquirer, David Maialetti/The Philadelphia Inquirer
Judges Comments
Was a strong category with more images still in after the first cutdown than the other categories. All solid images in top choices. Surprisingly and refreshingly not all coronavirus related. 1st place: This caught our eye right away. This image was well composed with nice details like the dog and the container of wipes on the kneeler. The judges lamented that the churches in Philly are just not that creative in dealing with the lockdown. 2nd place: Great perspective and anticipation on this moment. Just the perfect amount of space to emphasis the hug. This knocked another image with a similar perspective from the top spots. 3rd place: The emotion kept this image solidly above the rest of the field and into the third spot.