Brian O'MahoneyFor the Chicago Tribune Media Group
Judges Comments
This section could have been re-titled "Eye Gauges" this month. We did a lot of laughing.
1) Peak action, sharp, clean background, great expressions. What more do you want from sports action?
2) Again, strong peak moment. The color of the image felt a tiny bit muddy which slightly hurt.
3)There were a whole bunch of similar photos but we felt this one was the sharpest and most entertaining
Branden Eastwood/Freelance, Steven M. Falk/The Philadelphia Inquirer, Joe Lamberti/USA Today Network NJ
Judges Comments
This section could have been re-titled "Eye Gauges" this month. We did a lot of laughing. 1) Peak action, sharp, clean background, great expressions. What more do you want from sports action? 2) Again, strong peak moment. The color of the image felt a tiny bit muddy which slightly hurt. 3)There were a whole bunch of similar photos but we felt this one was the sharpest and most entertaining