Judges: Henry Taylor/The Leaf-Chronicle, Larry McCormack/The Tennessean, Courtney Pedroza/The Tennessean, Andrew Nelles/The Tennessean, George Walker IV/The Tennessean
Judges: Henry Taylor/The Leaf-Chronicle, Larry McCormack/The Tennessean, Courtney Pedroza/The Tennessean, Andrew Nelles/The Tennessean, George Walker IV/The Tennessean
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Judges Comments
Lots of pictorials with color and contrast but not a whole ton of information in this category. The first one stood out immediately and we all loved it. Perspective, framing, color, information. We just wish it was horizontal! Second was humorous and interesting, very creative and planned out by the photographer! Third place had a rocking expression that we wish was cropped just into the sled and girl, good stuff.