Judges: Ed Murray/NJ Advance Media, Patti Sapone/NJ Advance Media, Lori M. Nichols/NJ Advance Media, Tim Hawk/NJ Advance Media, Aristide Economopolous/NJ Advance Media
Judges: Ed Murray/NJ Advance Media, Patti Sapone/NJ Advance Media, Lori M. Nichols/NJ Advance Media, Tim Hawk/NJ Advance Media, Aristide Economopolous/NJ Advance Media
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Judges Comments
One of the largest categories and you like your sports. First place is terrific. Peak moment, action, composition and a different volleyball picture. Love the thumb showing compression of the ball. Second is you don't see basketball players getting their face raked during an attempted steal. Ouch. Third was very storytelling with the score and the expressions in the background were a nice bonus. This was a very good category but the winners came to the top pretty fast.