1st. Way to get in there for that first-person perspective! Strong emotion and good caption writing helped elevate the image. 2nd. Great moment of a planned event turning into a spot news one. Could have worked in either category. Strong story telling image, crop the left just a bit. 3rd. Two of the images in this sequence could have placed individually, and probably would have taken first and second place. Unfortunately there are ten images in this sequence when you only needed four at most, and when submitting that many you're only as strong as your weakest image.
Drew Nash/Times-News, Pat Sutphin/Times-News
Judges Comments
1st. Way to get in there for that first-person perspective! Strong emotion and good caption writing helped elevate the image. 2nd. Great moment of a planned event turning into a spot news one. Could have worked in either category. Strong story telling image, crop the left just a bit. 3rd. Two of the images in this sequence could have placed individually, and probably would have taken first and second place. Unfortunately there are ten images in this sequence when you only needed four at most, and when submitting that many you're only as strong as your weakest image.