A wide variety of spot news to sort through. 1st place: The woman walking by the power lines and upside-down vehicle stood out right away. The photographer did a great job paying attention to surroundings around the accident, but the woman's name isn't included, therefore making the caption weak. 2nd place: A tragic scene of a beached whale. The caption had us questioning if the peak moment was trying to save the whale? 3rd place: Firefighters responding to a structure fire. The image is right on the edge of overexposure. The color of the burned building and uniforms really compliment the image.
Judges Comments
A wide variety of spot news to sort through. 1st place: The woman walking by the power lines and upside-down vehicle stood out right away. The photographer did a great job paying attention to surroundings around the accident, but the woman's name isn't included, therefore making the caption weak. 2nd place: A tragic scene of a beached whale. The caption had us questioning if the peak moment was trying to save the whale? 3rd place: Firefighters responding to a structure fire. The image is right on the edge of overexposure. The color of the burned building and uniforms really compliment the image.