It was no surprise this was a pretty strong category and to be honest, difficult to judge as we all had different ideas of what should win. After lots of discussion, we all felt comfortable with the winners and also decided that third was a tie as they were both good photographs. All showed the anticipation of something about to happen which creates stronger photographs.
We did notice that toning and exposure were all over the map with these entries. We felt some entries received a bit too much post processing and would ask that photographers ease up on the contrast and saturation sliders. Also noticed quite a few highlights that were either blown out or close to it. Many 'shoot for the right' to make sure the highlights aren't clipped and it's worth mentioning that we should not rely on raw files to save one's bacon. It's worth the effort to get it right at the start so there's less work to do on deadline when editors are breathing down our necks 🙂
Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail, Theresa Suzuki/The Globe and Mail, Tim McKenna/The Globe and Mail
Judges Comments
It was no surprise this was a pretty strong category and to be honest, difficult to judge as we all had different ideas of what should win. After lots of discussion, we all felt comfortable with the winners and also decided that third was a tie as they were both good photographs. All showed the anticipation of something about to happen which creates stronger photographs. We did notice that toning and exposure were all over the map with these entries. We felt some entries received a bit too much post processing and would ask that photographers ease up on the contrast and saturation sliders. Also noticed quite a few highlights that were either blown out or close to it. Many 'shoot for the right' to make sure the highlights aren't clipped and it's worth mentioning that we should not rely on raw files to save one's bacon. It's worth the effort to get it right at the start so there's less work to do on deadline when editors are breathing down our necks 🙂