Very surprised at the lack of entries in what can usually be counted on as a strong category with lots of entries. There was no real stand out winner but several strong photos.
The hose leads the viewer's eyes to the firefighters and the barn fire, which was quite the conflagration, in the first place winner. Second place does well to show the wearied look of the police officer dealing with flooded cars. Third place then shows the potential folly of driving through a flooded underpass and leaves viewers possibly shaking their heads in wonder. Two winners might have benefited from judicious cropping and some burning around the periphery to push the eyes to the center of the frame but these are not makes or breaks.
Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail, Theresa Suzuki/The Globe and Mail, Tim McKenna/The Globe and Mail
Judges Comments
Very surprised at the lack of entries in what can usually be counted on as a strong category with lots of entries. There was no real stand out winner but several strong photos. The hose leads the viewer's eyes to the firefighters and the barn fire, which was quite the conflagration, in the first place winner. Second place does well to show the wearied look of the police officer dealing with flooded cars. Third place then shows the potential folly of driving through a flooded underpass and leaves viewers possibly shaking their heads in wonder. Two winners might have benefited from judicious cropping and some burning around the periphery to push the eyes to the center of the frame but these are not makes or breaks.