Judges: Stephanie Chambers/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Stephanie Strasburg/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Allie Wimley/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jessie Wardarski/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Noor
Judges: Stephanie Chambers/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Stephanie Strasburg/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Allie Wimley/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Jessie Wardarski/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Noor
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Judges Comments
My goodness! The photographer did an exceptional job working with homeless couple Steve Singleton and Michelle Last. We absolutely loved how the images flowed, and how diverse they were. It is obvious this project took a lot of time, patience and empathy. Congratulations to the photographer. It was a little tough awarding the next to places because there was nothing remotely close to the effort in the first place entry. We awarded the seal entry second place because of the emotional faces. Third place of the trapeze artist should have been developed further. Many of the images were identical. Maybe the photographer could have visited her at home with possible grandkids, at a home gym, next to old photos, etc. Just quick ideas. Lastly, there were entries that either had 20+ images or repetitive images. Please edit tightly next time