1st place went above and beyond in telling a story. Covered every angle physically and emotionally. This is a complete package photographers should learn from when trying create a photo essay. 2nd place was powerful. The photographer gave the viewer a close up look at the housing crising. Photographer made viewers part of the story by shooting the clusterphobic conditions with the right use of lens. 3rd place was an interesting view of litte farmers. Great overall photo selection but need more editing.
Roberto E. Rosales/Albuquerque Journal, Greg Sorber/Albuquerque Journal, Dean Hanson/Albuquerque Journal
Judges Comments
1st place went above and beyond in telling a story. Covered every angle physically and emotionally. This is a complete package photographers should learn from when trying create a photo essay. 2nd place was powerful. The photographer gave the viewer a close up look at the housing crising. Photographer made viewers part of the story by shooting the clusterphobic conditions with the right use of lens. 3rd place was an interesting view of litte farmers. Great overall photo selection but need more editing.