Judges: Denny Simmons/Courier & Press, Mike Lawrence/Courier & Press, MaCabe Brown/Courier & Press, Sam Owens/Courier & Press, Jake Crandall/Courier & Press
Judges: Denny Simmons/Courier & Press, Mike Lawrence/Courier & Press, MaCabe Brown/Courier & Press, Sam Owens/Courier & Press, Jake Crandall/Courier & Press
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Judges Comments
1st. The judges thought this was humorous. Had some technical issues, but there's no denying the smiles elicited from this image. 2nd. Interesting composition with some nice surprises lurking in the frame. 3rd. Nicely composed and seen. The symmetry is everywhere. Sports was probably the strongest category this month with spot news the weakest. There were some very solid entries in the story/essay category, but loose editing killed many of them. It gets harder and harder to edit properly when picture editors are becoming an endangered species, but keep trying. Ask a co-worker to give your work a look before you enter. Another area to work on is caption writing. Many of them had misspellings, incomplete information and even repeated information. We generally look past the captions for the most part so we can award the best images, however, if there are two great pictures and one of them has a shoddy caption, guess which one is going to get the nod. This is a photojournalism competition, not just a photography competition. The words are important, too. Thank you for the chance to judge your work. We try to always do it as a staff so we can remind ourselves of the same mistakes (the ones I've mentioned above) we are also guilty of committing. Now go make some pictures!