The strongest category. Lots of good solid football images. Tried to
find ones that went above and beyond.
Judges quickly agreed on first place image. Unique. great moment.
2nd place: again, unique, good moment and easily agreed upon by
3rd place: after going back and forth on some of the other football
images and some of the sports feature images, judges went back into
the pool and picked this one.
Jessica Lifland/City College of San Francisco, Vansa Wilson/Freelance Photographer
Judges Comments
The strongest category. Lots of good solid football images. Tried to find ones that went above and beyond. Judges quickly agreed on first place image. Unique. great moment. humor. 2nd place: again, unique, good moment and easily agreed upon by judges 3rd place: after going back and forth on some of the other football images and some of the sports feature images, judges went back into the pool and picked this one.