1st: This is exactly what we're looking for with a Photo Story/Essay. The photographer spent multiple days telling a story. Great job getting good access and showing the subject in multiple aspects of her life. 2nd: The images show that you and the subject had a good relationship. She trusted you to be in the room during some intimate moments. We want to see more than just her getting a tattoo, though. We'd like to see more about who she is and what she does. 3rd: This is a good job of visualizing what could have been a dull and boring story about zoning. Lots of times these assignments are just quick "drive by and get a photo of construction really quick" type images. Photographer did a good job making a nice series of images that help tell the story.
Matt Stamey/Santa Fe College, Joel Axon/University of Florida
Judges Comments
1st: This is exactly what we're looking for with a Photo Story/Essay. The photographer spent multiple days telling a story. Great job getting good access and showing the subject in multiple aspects of her life. 2nd: The images show that you and the subject had a good relationship. She trusted you to be in the room during some intimate moments. We want to see more than just her getting a tattoo, though. We'd like to see more about who she is and what she does. 3rd: This is a good job of visualizing what could have been a dull and boring story about zoning. Lots of times these assignments are just quick "drive by and get a photo of construction really quick" type images. Photographer did a good job making a nice series of images that help tell the story.