Lots of solid basketball action this month. A lot of them all started to look the same. So we placed images that either stood out to us the most, or had a more unique moment that wasn't someone diving, dribbling or shooting a basketball. 1: Pretty image. Maybe it's because we're in Florida, but seeing the skier, the snow and the cliff made this image stand out from the rest. 2: This basketball photo stood out from the rest because of the squished nose. The judges reacted to it with a "oof!" kind of reaction. Because it gave us a reaction compared to the other basketball photos is why we decided to place it above the other basketball photo. 3: Great faces and reactions from a wrestling match. The finger in the eye helped bring this image up into third.
Matt Stamey/Santa Fe College, Joel Axon/University of Florida
Judges Comments
Lots of solid basketball action this month. A lot of them all started to look the same. So we placed images that either stood out to us the most, or had a more unique moment that wasn't someone diving, dribbling or shooting a basketball. 1: Pretty image. Maybe it's because we're in Florida, but seeing the skier, the snow and the cliff made this image stand out from the rest. 2: This basketball photo stood out from the rest because of the squished nose. The judges reacted to it with a "oof!" kind of reaction. Because it gave us a reaction compared to the other basketball photos is why we decided to place it above the other basketball photo. 3: Great faces and reactions from a wrestling match. The finger in the eye helped bring this image up into third.