1st Place
John SpinkThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution
2nd Place
John SpinkThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution
3rd Place
John SpinkThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Amanda Morrison/Watertown Daily Times, Daytona Niles/Watertown Daily Times, Chris Lenney/Watertown Daily Times
Judges Comments
First Place: We thought that this was an interesting and tasteful way to illustrate a fatal accident that killed a child and a mother. The caption helped to flesh out the details. The composition worked well. Second Place: The detail in the photo was crazy! This is exactly what we hope for when we get called to a vehicle through a building. The composition helps to showcase the damage, and the inclusion of the worker in the frame stresses the chaos in the scene. Third Place: The mood in this image was nice and was supplemented by an extremely detailed caption. Spot news entries need to be more than just a car accident happened here or here is a firefighter at the scene of a fire. The photos that won in this category took more time to find an interesting way to photograph news scenes.