Great mix of sports common to this time of year, and some not. First place jumped out thanks to the wrestler's expression, it brought out the intensity of the competition and the willpower involved. Second was a nice moment from a non-traditional sport that still denotes competition. Good exposure and composition. Third took a while to grow on us, but we liked the repetition and recognized the skill it took to capture the diver at just the right moment in just the right spot. We wondered if the color version might have balanced the image better, however, and made her stand out more.
Ron Erdrich/Abilene Reporter-News, Nellie Doneva/Freelance
Judges Comments
Great mix of sports common to this time of year, and some not. First place jumped out thanks to the wrestler's expression, it brought out the intensity of the competition and the willpower involved. Second was a nice moment from a non-traditional sport that still denotes competition. Good exposure and composition. Third took a while to grow on us, but we liked the repetition and recognized the skill it took to capture the diver at just the right moment in just the right spot. We wondered if the color version might have balanced the image better, however, and made her stand out more.