Judges: Eli Lucero/The Herald Journal, John Zsiray/The Herald Journal, Matthew Halton/The Utah Statesman, Megan Nielsen/The Utah Statesman, Chantelle McCall/The Utah Statesman, Erica McNeill/The Utah Statesman
Judges: Eli Lucero/The Herald Journal, John Zsiray/The Herald Journal, Matthew Halton/The Utah Statesman, Megan Nielsen/The Utah Statesman, Chantelle McCall/The Utah Statesman, Erica McNeill/The Utah Statesman
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Judges Comments
This was the hardest category for us to judge. Going through the photos, there were a lot of good photos but none jumped out to us as the clear winner. After the six judges looked through them, we had five different photos that someone thought should be first place.