Judges: Eli Lucero/The Herald Journal, John Zsiray/The Herald Journal, Matthew Halton/The Utah Statesman, Megan Nielsen/The Utah Statesman, Chantelle McCall/The Utah Statesman, Erica McNeill/The Utah Statesman
Judges: Eli Lucero/The Herald Journal, John Zsiray/The Herald Journal, Matthew Halton/The Utah Statesman, Megan Nielsen/The Utah Statesman, Chantelle McCall/The Utah Statesman, Erica McNeill/The Utah Statesman
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Judges Comments
Not a lot of entries, but all of them were good photos. We liked first place with the firefighters responding for a car fire. The firefighter in the center of the frame was great. Second place was a good set of photos from a lumber fire. Third place was a tough choice between two photos from different ice rescues. We picked this one because you could see the face better, and the caption had a lot more details in it.