Judges: Lisa Krantz/San Antonio ExpressNews, Dorothy Edwards/Naples Daily News, Katie Klann/Naples Daily News, Luke Franke/Naples Daily News, Nicole Raucheisen/Naples Daily News, Justin Gilliland/Freelance
Judges: Lisa Krantz/San Antonio ExpressNews, Dorothy Edwards/Naples Daily News, Katie Klann/Naples Daily News, Luke Franke/Naples Daily News, Nicole Raucheisen/Naples Daily News, Justin Gilliland/Freelance
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Judges Comments
First place evoked the most visceral reaction. Although we can't seethe emotion, the way it was photographed evoked a feeling everyone reacted to. Second place was one of the only real moments in the entries. One judge appreciated the photographer getting both the emotion in the same frame as the home and fire and felt this was the most complete image. Third also evoked a reaction from the judges as the aesthetics and graphic nature with the overpowering smoke were well photographed.